“A Decent Looking Breddren” – EC

June 18, 2013, 2:38 PM - Facebook Messages... I message a friend, a Jamaican woman, regarding an article I read on a Jamaican news website. The article is about a policeman with well-groomed eyebrows... Jack: "Have you seen this? http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/How-come-a-policeman-is-allowed-to-sport-shaved-eyebrows-_14497156#ixzz2WUHbuWI8" EC: LOLOL wth... that is news? I do not understand the fuss it's not like … Continue reading “A Decent Looking Breddren” – EC

Hello – SL

June 13, 2015, 7:22 PM - Facebook Messages... A close friend [SL], a younger woman, messages... SL: "hello" Jack: "hi. How's it going?" SL: "Great. They are fixing my car. I should have it in 2 weeks." Jack: "Fantastic" SL: "Finally. Thank God. How are you?" Jack: "not bad. just got home" SL: "Okie" Jack: … Continue reading Hello – SL